
A Divorced Woman's Guide: Dealing With Divorce During the Holidays

sad woman in front of christmas tree

If you had to pick one time of year that is toughest for a woman going through divorce, the holiday season immediately comes to mind. Dealing with divorce during the holidays can seem about as difficult, strenuous, and energy sapping as climbing Mt. Everest. The holidays bring with them a seemingly never-ending stream of family gatherings and activities, with few moments of precious alone time to process feelings and manage stress. As a woman experiencing divorce, it’s important to be prepared for the flurry of activities and make a plan to take care of yourself during the holiday season.

Here are some tips to help you deal with divorce during the holidays, facing them head-on while putting your feelings first:

Make a Plan

Logistically, the holidays are a tough time for divorcing parents. When kids are involved, there’s likely to be a lot of shuffling between houses, with many opportunities for the wires of communication to get crossed. If you have children, have a sit-down or phone call with your co-parent to go over your holiday schedule. Write it down and make a copy for your co-parent and there’s less chance that someone will forget whose day it is, or what time to pick up the kids. If you both plan to buy separate gifts, make sure you go over who’s buying what. This will save a lot of time that could be spent returning presents inadvertently bought twice.

While preparation for holiday logistics is fairly straight-forward, there’s no way to fully prepare yourself for all of the feelings you’re likely to experience during the holiday season; however, you can make a plan to give yourself the time and space to experience and process those feelings. When planning family activities during the holidays, make sure to leave yourself time between activities to hang out by yourself or with friends to process those inevitable feelings that arise during this time of year.

Give Yourself Permission to Grieve

While preparation for holiday logistics is fairly straight-forward, there’s no way to fully prepare yourself for all of the feelings you’re likely to experience during the holiday season; however, you can make a plan to give yourself the time and space to experience and process those feelings. When planning family activities during the holidays, make sure to leave yourself time between activities to hang out by yourself or with friends to process those inevitable feelings that arise during this time of year.

Always remember to be gentle on yourself and remind yourself that these feelings are normal. The most important thing to remember is to take care of yourself. Your well-being is paramount. If you need a break, take it.If you need someone to talk to, just ask.

Establish New Traditions

The first holiday season following a divorce can be difficult. You’re reminded of old family traditions, but your situation’s different now. Try to remember that the holidays are meant to be a joyous and festive experience. With that in mind, find opportunities to establish new traditions.Take your family to the movies, have a Christmas Eve game night, or bake Christmas cookies with the family.

The act of establishing new traditions evokes positive feelings. It’s also a great way to help you move forward in this new chapter of your life and gives you new holiday activities to look forward to for years to come.

While the holidays bring with them memories, thoughts, and feelings for divorcing or newly divorced women, they’re also a perfect time to commit yourself to moving forward. By the end of the season, you’ll be amazed by your own strength and resiliency. With the help of these tips, you’ll be ready to face the new year with newfound confidence and excitement!

About Law Firm of Victoria

Law Firm of Victoria is Michigan’s leading law firm dedicated to representing women only in divorce and family law matters. Are you going through or anticipating a divorce and in need of expert legal support? Contact Law Firm of Victoria or give us a call at (248) 780-1775 today!

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