Collaborative Divorce
the Out-of-Court Option
We practice in 9 counties: Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, Washtenaw, Livingston, Monroe, Genesee, Lapeer and St. Clair.
Collaborative Divorce is an out-of-court, mediation-based process that utilizes a professional team to support a divorcing couple as they strive to resolve their family’s legal and financial issues. In the Collaborative process, both spouses retain an attorney specially and specifically trained to assist in resolving divorce in a collaborative fashion. At the onset, both parties and their attorneys sign an Agreement indicating their desire to reach a resolution outside of the legal system. It is important to note that if the collaborative process is not successful, the parties are not barred from filing a legal action and seeking a divorce through traditional litigation, (although you will not be able to retain the same attorney).
In addition to your attorneys, your Collaborative Team almost always includes a neutral and/or mental health professional who will assist the parties in realizing their goals, both individual and family-oriented. Your team may also include a divorce coach, financial planner and/or child specialist if applicable to your case. The Collaborative process progresses through a series of meetings with your teams during which you identify goals and issues and utilize strategies to accomplish and resolve them. Honesty and full disclosure are necessary to ensure equity in this process.
Call our attorneys at (248) 780-1775 to speak to our team and find out where to begin. Consultations are available in-person and by phone for FREE.
Advantages to the Collaborative Divorce Process
- The process is inspired by the team approach.
- Less adversarial , resulting in less stress, tension and bad feelings between the parties.
- Often results in a more enduring agreement — one that both parties are accepting of and thus less likely to result in litigation in the future.
- May result in a reduction in the time and cost typical of a traditional divorce action.
- Allows client freedom, allows the client to make educational decisions from a multi-discipline team.
- When applicable, focuses on the best interests of the minor child(ren) and the family unit and thus better long-term impact on the family. Most parents are really willing to do this for their children.
- A resolution totally out of court.
Call our attorneys at (248) 780-1775 today for a free consultation.
"My biggest mistake was in not retaining you at the onset."
- L.M. -
"You have been a great help for me and have opened my eyes to a lot of new information and I am very thankful for you and the Law Firm of Victoria."
- A.L. -
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I appreciate your kindness, professionalism and patience. You are truly a blessing."
- P.O.
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